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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Live Strong. . . Art On.

If you want to have a good time and see some amazing talent . . . The Old Capitol Arts & Living History Festival in Fillmore, Utah is the place to go! 

I hadn't been to the Arts Festival for quite a few years, and I was blown away this last weekend. Every single person I met was so unique and talented. I love when I get to see people living my platform in their daily life. Each one of these individuals was "Getting Out And Living Strong." It amazed me how passionate they were for their talents and you could see the love they had for their art in their eyes as you talked with them. Such a good lesson I needed to learn. BE PASSIONATE AND LOVE IT!! That is what life is all about.

Here are a few pictures from this incredible weekend.

 Can you see all those flutes? Yes. He made them by hand!

 Wagon rides were a hit!

 Love talking to all the kids! Cutest ever.

The homemade Root Beer attracts everyone. Even the Elder's.

 All the way from Lehi, Utah. This family gave me so many tips for pageant, with two members (not pictured) who have been on the Miss Utah Pageant Board! So fun talking with them.

How perfect is Brittany Stott? Seriously she is awesome and has helped me so much! Someone I definitely look up to.

Loved meeting Mason. I hear he is one of the coolest kids at Millard High and now I know why!

Love getting out and seeing so many people LIVING STRONG! Also it was so fun to be on the other side of the county for a little bit!