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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Little Miss Tea

Miss America Day of Service

April 18th I gathered with the other Miss Utah contestants and we participated in Miss America Day of Service.


Yes she is a babe!!
I am approaching the end of my year of service and I wanted to post about my awesome pageant directer Kelly. This is more for my sake and my memories than anything else. But she is someone I never want to forget and I want to make sure to record some very special memories I have had with her.


Oh boy.. was this one a shocker for me or what? I honestly had NO IDEA how much work and effort when into taking a picture of your face!! haha. The whole process really opened my eyes to what I was getting into with this pageant. Once again Chad works miracles and I loved how my headshot turned out. Thank goodness for Kelly's wardrobe, and Kristi's amazing make-up skills. It was a long and busy day but a great experience overall!


Spring Workshop

I felt like we just barely had our Fall workshop, but it was already time for the Miss Utah Spring Workshop. It was an exciting day as each contestants got their Miss Utah number, roommates, hostesses, and all the details for Miss Utah Week. 

I got contestant #5 ... This means my schedule is as follows:
Tuesday - Interview
Wednesday - Talent
Thursday - Swimsuit
Friday - Evening Gown & On Stage Question
Saturday Night - Top 10 and Crowning

My roommate is Maddi Millard, Miss Orem! She was the very first contestant I met because she came to my Pageant when I was crowned! She is the nicest girl and I could not be more excited to room with her. It is also funny because her grandparent and my grandparents actually served together in the mission field. Small world! 

Right after we got back from California ... my face is peeling horribly.

Valentines Day Photoshoot

Chad always does such an amazing job! Loved the balloon idea and glamming up for this photo shoot!

"Sometimes I don't even recognize my sister" - R.J. Springer

Seriously.. the PRETTIEST girls around. Inside and Outside.


Our close family friend LeAnn Church asked me to participate in her "Frozen" Activity Days Mommy Miss Party. I wish I would have gotten more pictures, but all the girls looked so cute dressed up as Frozen characters. I was able to share my message about Living A Strong Life with the girls. Each girl chose her one word that she was going to live this year. The youth are remarkable and I learn so much from them every single day.