I would LOVE to come speak to YOU! Send me an email at getoutandlivestrong@gmail.com to schedule a presentation.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Committed To My Goals.

For my next year as Miss Millard County I wanted to push myself as I chose the goals I would strive to accomplish. The more I push myself on the goals I set, the greater the satisfaction I receive when I accomplish them, and this year is going to be no different. So here are my FOUR major goals that I WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS YEAR...

1. Goal #1 (Physical): I am going to do an IRONMAN 70.3 by June 2015. (This is a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, and finishes off with a half marathon run of 13.1 miles). My plan is:

  • Sign up and COMMIT myself to an exact race (most likely the St. George Ironman 70.3 on May 2nd, 2015) by October 1st, 2014.
  • Starting in January I will begin this four month training schedule.
  • Signed up and running the Cedar City Half Marathon on September 13th, 2014.
  • Fundraise the $250.00 required to participate in the IRONMAN 70.3 (plan coming in future post). 

2. Goal #2 (Social): This coming year I want to promote and get EVERYONE involved with my platform, G.O.A.L.S.: Get Out And Live Strong, so my goal is to make at least one appearance every month for the next year. My plan is:

I want to speak to YOU!
  • Talk to someone new every single day about my platform.
  • ASK! I am going to continually ask anyone and everyone to let me come in and share my platform. Schools, classrooms, church groups, Scouts, Relief Societies, Clubs, you name it and I want to speak to you!! Contact Me!
  • Use social media. I am going to continually post on social media accounts. I am on Instagram (@g.o.a.l.s and @kennedyspringer), Twitter (@kennedyspringer), and Facebook (Missy Millard & Kennedy Springer). Use our official hashtag #getoutandlivestrong.
  • Keep up to date on my blog posts and what I am doing as Miss Millard County 2015.

3. Goal #3 (Mental): My education stands very high on the list of things I value, so I plan to continue to make it a priority this next year. I have set my goal to maintain a 3.8 grade point average this Fall and Spring Semester at Snow College. My plan is:

  • I will need to spend 3+ hours of my day in the library doing homework and studying. I will be in library with my phone put away (major distraction.. get rid of it for a few hours) completely focused on the task at hand.
  • I will need to score 94% or higher and every exam and quiz I take.
  • LEARN. I cannot get caught up in striving for a perfect score every time, but rather remember to actually learn what is being taught so I can use it for the rest of my life. There is a difference between passing classes and actually learning what is taught in classes. I need to remember to learn.

4. Goal #4 (Spiritual): Although I do things every single day with my religion, (daily prayer, scripture study, attend church, etc.) I wanted to challenge myself to truly put my religion to action. My goal for the coming year is to perform one meaningful, thought-out act of service every week. My plan is:

  • Every Sunday morning at 8:00 A.M. I will sit down and plan the service I plan to carry out in the upcoming week.
  • During my morning and evening prayers I will ask to be guided on who needs me and my service in their life.
  • Get signed up and involved with the service opportunities at Snow College and the Institute Programs.
  • Stay motivated by watching inspiring videos!

Now you know exactly what I am expecting of myself for this coming year and I want YOU to help me stay committed. Goals are so much easier to keep if you do them along with someone. Reflect on your own life and come up with a goal for each category. Start living your life in a way that helps you continually grow as you Get Out And Live Strong through GOAL setting.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ready or Not..

Ready or not.. I am ready!! This week I will be posting my goals for the coming year as Miss Millard County. I am pushing myself more than ever, but I am beyond excited about it. It is going to be a journey and I want YOU to join me with your own goals!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Pioneer Day Celebrations

I made this blog with the intention of promoting my platform and helping YOU set goals, but I have recently decided to also post about what I was doing as Miss Millard County 2015. I realized that everything I do as Miss Millard County is actually me living my platform. Because of this opportunity, I am able to set new G.O.A.L.S. and Get Out And Live Strong. I want to share this entire experience with you!!

This last week the Millard County Royalty and I took part in so many fun Pioneer Day activities. Thursday, the day of the 24th, we split up so that we could hit both the Hinckley and Kanosh parades. Everyone looked beautiful!! We were able to be all together for the Hinckley Rodeos and the Scipio Rodeo! It was such a fun way to start out our year of service and appearances at events.

How lucky we are to have the Pioneers who went through so many hard times and trials to settle this land we now call home. I will forever stand in awe and be grateful for my pioneer ancestors who made it possible for me to have the wonderful life I enjoy today. I am thankful that I had others go before me to pave the way and teach me life lessons. Let us never forget their sacrifice and learn from their continual persistence and hard work. I hope in my life that I can be a modern day Pioneer as I strive to work hard and live the best life possible so that my descendants can enjoy a life even better than mine. 

Hinckley Parade. Outstanding Teen 1st Attendant, McKenna Ekins, and Our Junior Miss Millard, Lilly Anderson. 

Huge thank you to Sahara Motors for providing our fancy vehicles all weekend!

Hinckley Rodeo with our Little Miss, Kylie, and Junior Miss, Lilly. Such cute little girls!

Second night at the Hinckley Rodeo. It rained on us while circling the arena, but turned out to be a beautiful night. These are some incredible girls and I am beyond excited to serve with them this coming year. They teach me so much everyday and we are becoming best of friends. Love you girlies!


To see what I believe and how I strive to be a modern day Pioneer click here.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Comfort Zones

My name is Kennedy Springer, and I am Miss Millard County 2015. I am promoting my platform "GOALS: Get Out And Live Strong." Setting and committing to goals can be scary, but in the end the growth we experience will be something we treasure for a life time. Let me share my personal story of the power of goal setting: 

The pageant world was a completely foreign world to me, for example: 

1. I have been an athlete my whole life, playing volleyball, basketball, track, and softball. 
2. I rarely dressed up and putting eyeliner or mascara on meant I was going to a very special event. 
3. I am already 5'10'' so my closet was deprived of heels. 

Regardless of my lack of experience, I decided to participate in this years Miss Millard County Pageant. I knew I had a powerful message to share and could make a difference as Miss Millard County. With a lot of hard work I won the title of Miss Millard County. Now I am in a position to share my powerful platform and I am thrilled about it. I hope you feel inspired to join in on the journey!

From an Athlete..

To a Pageant Queen

During the entire competition my motto was "Outside of Your Comfort Zone is Where the Magic Happens." Once I was willing to go outside of this zone, the magic began to happen.

The "Comfort Zone" is something that can be so scary to get out of, but I promise you that as you put yourself in a position to step out of it, you put yourself in a position to change your world. Decide right now to "become comfortable with being uncomfortable."