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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Pioneer Day Celebrations

I made this blog with the intention of promoting my platform and helping YOU set goals, but I have recently decided to also post about what I was doing as Miss Millard County 2015. I realized that everything I do as Miss Millard County is actually me living my platform. Because of this opportunity, I am able to set new G.O.A.L.S. and Get Out And Live Strong. I want to share this entire experience with you!!

This last week the Millard County Royalty and I took part in so many fun Pioneer Day activities. Thursday, the day of the 24th, we split up so that we could hit both the Hinckley and Kanosh parades. Everyone looked beautiful!! We were able to be all together for the Hinckley Rodeos and the Scipio Rodeo! It was such a fun way to start out our year of service and appearances at events.

How lucky we are to have the Pioneers who went through so many hard times and trials to settle this land we now call home. I will forever stand in awe and be grateful for my pioneer ancestors who made it possible for me to have the wonderful life I enjoy today. I am thankful that I had others go before me to pave the way and teach me life lessons. Let us never forget their sacrifice and learn from their continual persistence and hard work. I hope in my life that I can be a modern day Pioneer as I strive to work hard and live the best life possible so that my descendants can enjoy a life even better than mine. 

Hinckley Parade. Outstanding Teen 1st Attendant, McKenna Ekins, and Our Junior Miss Millard, Lilly Anderson. 

Huge thank you to Sahara Motors for providing our fancy vehicles all weekend!

Hinckley Rodeo with our Little Miss, Kylie, and Junior Miss, Lilly. Such cute little girls!

Second night at the Hinckley Rodeo. It rained on us while circling the arena, but turned out to be a beautiful night. These are some incredible girls and I am beyond excited to serve with them this coming year. They teach me so much everyday and we are becoming best of friends. Love you girlies!


To see what I believe and how I strive to be a modern day Pioneer click here.

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