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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Comfort Zones

My name is Kennedy Springer, and I am Miss Millard County 2015. I am promoting my platform "GOALS: Get Out And Live Strong." Setting and committing to goals can be scary, but in the end the growth we experience will be something we treasure for a life time. Let me share my personal story of the power of goal setting: 

The pageant world was a completely foreign world to me, for example: 

1. I have been an athlete my whole life, playing volleyball, basketball, track, and softball. 
2. I rarely dressed up and putting eyeliner or mascara on meant I was going to a very special event. 
3. I am already 5'10'' so my closet was deprived of heels. 

Regardless of my lack of experience, I decided to participate in this years Miss Millard County Pageant. I knew I had a powerful message to share and could make a difference as Miss Millard County. With a lot of hard work I won the title of Miss Millard County. Now I am in a position to share my powerful platform and I am thrilled about it. I hope you feel inspired to join in on the journey!

From an Athlete..

To a Pageant Queen

During the entire competition my motto was "Outside of Your Comfort Zone is Where the Magic Happens." Once I was willing to go outside of this zone, the magic began to happen.

The "Comfort Zone" is something that can be so scary to get out of, but I promise you that as you put yourself in a position to step out of it, you put yourself in a position to change your world. Decide right now to "become comfortable with being uncomfortable."

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