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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

"A Taste of Millard County" .. 2014 County Fair

One of the biggest events of the year in Millard County is the Millard County Fair. And this year it was big! As the county royalty, we were in attendance the whole time! It was four long exhausting days, but it was also four of the most fun days I have had this summer! I loved every second of it! Whether it was juggling, jousting, hypnotizing, music, animals, or eating, it was a good time.

This year I participated in the fair and it made it that much more special for me! Monday I submitted cinnamon rolls, chocolate chips cookies, white chocolate chip pudding cookies, banana bread, caramel popcorn balls, a jean blanket, and a stitched pillow. BLUE RIBBONS ON ALL OF THEM! I also worked during the week at 4:30 AM, and usually got home from the fair at 11:00 PM .. the 5 hours in between that was filled with me cooking so that I could win the different contests. I took 3rd place in the Candy Contest with my caramel popcorn balls (thanks Natalie for the recipe) and 2nd place in the Choco-Bake Contest with my white chocolate chip pudding cookies. My pie and muffins.. well they didn't do so well. Yes it was a LOT of work with very LATE nights and very EARLY mornings! I wouldn't have had it any other way:)

Here is a picture recap of what went on during the fair week! I took a TON of pictures.. and wish I could have taken even more!!


Alan Roper is a County Commissioner

Brother Finlinson is in my ward. He has supported me for a
long time in all that I do.

With the Color Guard. All the men that protect our country have a special place in my heart.

This is my good friend Shalayne Johnson. She is one of a kind and teaches me so much.

Some of the fair exhibits are pretty awesome. I was impressed!

Betty Jo Western is in charge of the fair. She is FABULOUS at what she does. This woman is one that continually "Gets Out And Lives Strong"

These guys not only promote "RAD" but they are "RAD"!

Mariah is an awesome 1st Attendant. You should see her dance! She is incredible.

5K Glow Run was a blast! I took 5th overall in the Women's Category. 


This was such a creative exhibit at the fair!

Poor quality.. but one of my entertainment activities was a hula hoop contest! I even got my pageant director, Kelly Swallow, up on the stage.

Gardening 101 .. One incredible lady and gardener

I think I am going to have to make some GOALS to learn how to quilt and sew.

She is 89 years old and has been helping with the fair for 26. She was there EVERY single day for the WHOLE entire day!

All ages enjoyed the fair. Only 2 weeks old!

Mariah and I were just a little bit freaked out by the giant snake! We still got out of our comfort zone and held it though. So glad we did.
You can "Get Out and Live Strong" even in small daily actions.

Commissioners Barbeque

I won a drink cooler in the drawing. It pays to be an employee of Millard County!

Sheriff Robert Dekker 

The Bookmobile even visited the fair! So fun and brought back some good childhood memories! I love reading!!

Cutest little Beams girls! Love them!

Riding one of the Jousting horses. It was HUGE! I have long leg and even got stuck while getting off.

Norman not only played some music during the fair, but he is one of the folks that comes to the pool and water walks
in the mornings. I love seeing my pool friends outside of the pool. Norman's joke was, "It is nice to see you
with clothes on." Everyone got a kick out of that!

I am a SORE loser! Kate's mom Kristen beat me at the Choco-Bake Contest!

Clogging Grandmothers. They love what they do! It was such a good performance!


I woke up early on Saturday and went and ran the Spartan Race. Not many showed up, but it is a fair even that many will continue to enjoy!

My very first pie.. EVER!! I don't know why I thought my first pie could win the contest, but oh well now I know how to do something new!!
Always growing and learning! That is what life is about!

All the girls got hypnotized.. I was too big of chicken! I like to be in complete control.

This is Natalie Stefanoff. She is also a previous Miss Millard and we are lucky enough to have her has our Co-Pageant Director. She is one awesome lady!

Michael taught us how to juggle! Check out how awesome his show here. He is one of the coolest guys I have met! So down to earth.

Concert by VanLadyLove was awesome! Go check out some of their music.

And that is a wrap on my week at the Millard County Fair! The last picture shows what I came home with. It was such a great experience and I was able to not only do many activities that put me out of my comfort zone, but also see how so many people in this world are living my platform! It's amazing what you can become when you set G.O.A.L.S. and "Get Out And Live Strong."

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