I would LOVE to come speak to YOU! Send me an email at getoutandlivestrong@gmail.com to schedule a presentation.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


One of the things I want most in life is to influence others; to have others say, "Because of you I wanted to improve my life and be better." It had always been my dream to be a key life changer in somebody else's life for the positive. Becoming Miss Millard County 2015 gave me the opportunity to start learning how to be a positive influence.

This past week, I had the opportunity to do FIVE different presentations on my platform "G.O.A.L.S.: Get Out And Live Strong." It was so much fun to be able to go share something I am so passionate about with others. Whether I was an influence to fifty kids or even just one, I hope that through hearing my platform, someone decided to become better.

These were my first presentations, and I learned A LOT! I had both good and bad experiences. I taught the kids and the kids taught me. But in the end I was able to share something I was passionate about, and that was something special. 

Mrs. Bliss's Class
These young 3rd grade students taught me a very valuable lesson: Excitement. Every one of the kids were so excited to share and tell me exactly what goals and dreams they had in their life. They didn't worry about failure or obstacle. They were purely excited and confident that they could accomplish their dreams, no matter how big. 
Why do we grow older and lose our excitement? Imagine how much more we would achieve and how much more we would enjoy the process if we had an attitude of excitement throughout the process! This was a great lesson for me to learn. I am going to strive to make each step of the journey EXCITING!!

Delta Middle School Students
Middle School is a time in each persons life where they care what their peers think of them. They care if they look cool or not. They want approval and are often scared of not getting that approval. So often when you set personal GOALS, others question you and ask why you would do that? Everyone is different and one thing I learned from these middle school students was that in order to reach YOUR own PERSONAL full potential you CAN NOT CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK! People will question you. People will tell you that you can't accomplish your goals. People will want you to be a certain way. BUT the moment you stop caring what others think, is the moment you set yourself apart to being different. That is the moment you truly begin to reach your own full potential.

Delta High School Volleyball Team

Verbally share your GOALS .. It commits you.

Without a VISION you lose motivation, work, desire, and commitment.
One thing that I have always thought about doing is becoming a high school athletics coach. I have had coaches that have literally changed my life, and I wanted to do that for someone else. Being able to present my platform to the DHS Volleyball Team was something I will never forget, because it was my first opportunity to get up in front of a team and try to spark their motivation (not always that easy). 

Their is something so special to me about being blessed enough to receive the opportunity to be an influence. It is not an opportunity that comes often or easily, but I truly believe that when that opportunity does come (and it will) you take COMPLETE ADVANTAGE of it. That is my purpose this next year. I want to make sure I am taking advantage of this opportunity to be an influence as Miss Millard County. I don't want to look back and think "I wish I would have been more influential."

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